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Sacred Spaces

Oct 7, 2021

Jane is back! My dear friend and colleague is here to talk about "intent vs. impact."

We always say our friendship is a "gold star" one basically because we practice personal growth tools on each other! Just like any friendship, we've had fun times and deeper times that required presence, listening, and ultimately kindness.

This week's episode is for all you people-pleasing sweet souls who never want to rock the boat and as a result, hide your voice... AND for those of you who try to communicate but the impact on others is the antithesis of what you set out to create. Either of these approaches, as Jane shares, can create conflict in relationships that actually have the potential to be healthy and authentic.

Highlights of today's episode:

  1. The acronym Jane uses as a reminder to align her intent and behavior in order to achieve the results she desires.
  2. Jane and Meg's favorite tool to use when having direct conversations.
  3. When the best time is to actually have the conversations.
  4. Why so many people are fearful of "conflict" and direct communication.

Loved having Jane back on the podcast. You can also listen to Episode #21 where we discuss parts of Don Miguel Ruiz's book, The Four Agreements.

Jane also has a free gift just for you! You can find it here.

See you next week and don't forget to join my FREE classes each week.
