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Sacred Spaces

Nov 25, 2020

Do you find yourself following everyone else's advice... but your own?

Are you familiar with all the psychics in your town...and they know you?

Is it as if you poll everyone for what to do rather than following your own intuition?

In this episode, I discuss the power of finding your voice and learning to trust your...

Nov 24, 2020

In this episode, I dive into an interesting concept of using spirituality to cover up uncomfortable feelings. When you think an unwanted thought, experience emotional suffering, or encounter a difficult situation do you sit with it or run for the sage?! 🙂

Spirituality, when used as a denial mechanism, can at times...

Nov 21, 2020

Does a break up trigger the bottle opener? If so, this episode is for you. I love how Amy Boettcher gives a straightforward and fresh perspective on navigating through times with integrity.

Amy's Bio:

Amy is an attorney and life coach who has practiced divorce law for 18 years and has represented hundreds of divorce...

Nov 17, 2020

Feng Shui is about creating harmony, balance, and flow in your living space.

In today's episode, I talk about creating harmony, balance and flow in your life by "feng shuiing" or managing your personal energy.

Referenced items:

  • Marie Diamond's course on Feng Shui through Mind Valley
  • Feng Shui Your Life by Jayme...

Nov 14, 2020

Super Sober Saturday

I now LOVE Saturday mornings even more than Friday nights... and I love sharing thoughts around mindful drinking, moderation, and living an alcohol-free life.

If you would like to lean into the idea of reevaluating your relationship with alcohol, each Saturday take 10-15 minutes to listen to the...